Pardon me while I burst

From 2.61 to 3.36

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Well hello there. Remember me? Probably not. Afterall it has been two months since my last actual post. And even that one was a boring one. The long hiatus from posting almost made me forget that I'm supposed to write something myself on this blog. But I hope you guys enjoyed all those articles that I kept posting. You're right Adip, should pay me for that!

Looks like Adip, who btw is enjoying his spring break in the sunny state of California, has been getting a lot of action on his blog. So I'm glad that some of you found another blog to waste time on while mine was inactive. I figured since he's gone, I should take advantage of his absence and post on my blog before he comes back and regains his position of having the most popular blog.

Now I could write a long post about every single thing that I did while I wasn't updating this, but that would just be boring. I think a quick highlight of everything would suffice. It's funny how my most difficult and busiest quarter turned out to be my best one, or at least a huge improvement over the previous quarters. While the Florida trip was a nice little break, I didn't know how crazy things were about to get.

My EPL class became a big pain in the ass, with two papers due every week for four straight weeks. As ironic as it sounds, I was actually losing motivation because of a Learning and Motivation Strategies class. The number of weekly homeworks and the rounds of midterms only added to the burden. After doing surprisingly well on my first round of exams, I gained some confidence and realized that maybe I do have a chance to make it through the quarter without dropping a class.

Apart from my schoolwork, a lot of other things happened. There was that time when me and Adip went to a party for three straight weekends. We would've gone for the fourth one too but we both had exams. I think that was just a taste of the upcoming Spring quarter, when chances of partying so frequently will be a lot higher. And then there was our trip to Purdue University (which sucks btw!) Going to Purdue reminded us why desi parties should be avoided. Purdue was also where I met that adorable Pakistani girl Subeen. I will never forget her... Oh and I almost forgot about ISA's glorious victory for being the best food stall at Taste of OSU, which I had absolutely no hand in. (Maybe that's why they won?)

All in all, this quarter was a good one. Yea I spent most of my time in the ECE computer lab and had to quit going to the gym and even posting on this blog, but I think those sacrifices were worth it. I didn't drop any classes, I completed my history series, and most importantly I accomplished my goal of taking 21 credits!! And I can't wait for next quarter when my load is going to be a lot lighter and I'm going to have a lot more time for other things better than school.

Speaking of which, here are some of the things I'm looking forward to next quarter:
  • Voice class with Sonal :-D
  • SRUJAN 2006
  • Going to the gym
  • Good weather (hopefully)
  • Big Free Concert (even thought I don't know who's coming this year)
  • Movies: The Da Vinci Code, Cars, and SUPERMAN RETURNS!!
Those are the major ones. I'm sure there will be lots of other surprises here and there. But for now I'm enjoying my break that I needed for so long. What've I been doing? Nothing :) And that's the beauty of it...

Ok, I was trying to make this a really long post to compensate for the last two months but I'm out of things to write about for now. And I also want to watch a movie really badly. So, I will resume writing later. Really, I will. Because now I can.

5 Responses to “From 2.61 to 3.36”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    testing. 1,, 12.

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    haha...who's this "me" now?!?! n btw ankit...good job with the quarter!!!

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    good job posting finally!! i have been waiting for sooo long! make sure you see some sunlight before break is over!

  4. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Abbe 'me'...tu idhar bhi aa padi....

  5. Anonymous Anonymous 

    no adip that was just me, not your 'me'...!

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