Pardon me while I burst

I think I've been cursed

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Ever since I moved to Napoleon, I've been having some problem every week. First I didn't have Internet, then I couldn't use my phone, and now the most important piece of hardware in my life: my external hard drive is not working. Every time I connect it, my computer gives me the blue screen of death and restarts. My entire music collection is on this drive and without it I feel so empty. I literally have nothing to do in my room now. I'm not sure how much longer I can live like this. If anybody out there knows how to solve this problem please let me know immediately!

6 Responses to “I think I've been cursed”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    That damn hard-drive used to hate me, high time it died! But I do hope you get ur music and movies back- somehow.

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    aiyiyi! i don't know how to solve hard drive probs but maybe you should join the local library so you can borrow dvds and books to tide you over until ur drive revives??

    hey! that rhymes :)

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    remove it from the external case, install it as an internal slave drive on your computer, and you might just get lucky enough to recover the files. If it's a maxtor drive, you're probably f-ed. if you are lucky enough to get to be recognized by the computer, then i'd say copy as much as you can to your main drive before you take it out and put it back in the external case.

  4. Anonymous Anonymous 

    so i already tried all that yesterday and that didn't work. so then i took it to work and tried it in the computers there and the computer didn't even recognize it. i think i just have to accept that im f-ed. maybe it's my punishment for all those years of illegal downloading! :(

  5. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Lets say a silent prayer....

  6. Anonymous Anonymous 

    well, before you completely give up, give it to me, i'll take a crack at it

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