Published Friday, September 30, 2005 by Ankit. 
Why can't
this happen when I'm in India!?
Published Wednesday, September 28, 2005 by Ankit. 
Yea I know that sounds stupid. But I guess that's what it's called. Adip, however, named it Laaloo. So I've decided that it has two names - one in English and the other in Hindi. Anyways, these pictures didn't turn out to look the way I wanted them to be. But this is what I have so far. Maybe I'll have better ones once I get a new monitor and everything. Enjoy!
This is Mike's desk btw. One day mine will look this neat too...

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The Beautiful Inside

Side view through the window

Angled view with the front cover open

Close-up of the front: Light Controller (silver), Sound Card Front Panel, DVD Burner

Front with lights on! The light controller has three knobs for Red, Green and Blue. I can adjust them in any way I want to produce virtually any color of light!

Here's Red (the picture sucks)

Red + Green + Blue = White

I still have to get a nice widescreen LCD monitor and 5.1 Speakers, but I will wait till Thanksgiving for that.
Here are the general specs:
Power Supply: 500W with modular cables
Motherboard: Abit K8N ATX Socket 939
Processor: AMD X2 Dual Core 64-bit Processor (2.0 Ghz)
Memory (RAM) : Corsair 512 MB x 2
Hard Drive: Hitachi 160 GB SATA-II 7200rpm
Graphics Card: Radeon x800 XL 256MB PCI-Express
Sound Card: Creative Sound Blaster Audigy2 ZS Platinum
Optical Storage: Lite-on 16X Dual Layer DVD-RW
Miscellaneous: Generic Floppy Drive and RGB Laser LED Light Controller
Published Sunday, September 25, 2005 by Ankit. 
It's the first weekend after classes started and i'm already at home! Couldn't help it...i didn't really have a vacation and i'm not quite ready to get back to school and hit the books yet. Plus I caught a nasty cold right when school started so I just haven't been really enthusiastic about anything lately. Three days of classes and there's already so much work for next week. And then there's those meetings that last over two hours. It's gonna be one helluva quarter.
On the other hand, it's nice to see campus filled with new faces again. It was kinda getting boring with the whole place being so empty during the summer. Beginning of a new year also means a whole new batch of cool events happening in the city. This quarter my most favorite comedian Dave Chappelle is coming to town!!! I always kept saying that they should try to get him to do stand-up at OSU and now it's finally happening!! Not only that, I also found out that Paul McCartney is coming next month for a concert too!!! It just can't get any better! Funniest comedian + One of the greatest musicians ever = an unforgettable weekend!
I got a new DVD burner so I'll be installing that tomorrow and then I'll finally put up some pictures of BIG RED. BTW, I hope everyone liked the last post. Due to a major lack of udpates of Neil photos, I decided to just post them all at once! It just made it a lot funnier that way. This time all of them were made by Pradeep. So Neil you can thank him for the sharp increase in your popularity! ;-P
Look at that, it's past 1! Got too many little things to do tomorrow so I'm gonna hit the bed. You'll hear from me soon!
Mood: Calm
Music: Jimi Hendrix - Little Wing
Published Sunday, September 18, 2005 by Ankit. 
Towing services are so frikkin sneaky! I was parked not more than seven feet away from a lot that did not require a parking pass and my car got towed. Somehow I was supposed to know that the lot that I was in was not owned by the apartments that did not require a pass at that time. I was only parked for half an hour too and my car just disappeared. Those a-holes charged me $108 to get my car back. Uggghh
Mood: ANGRY!
Music: Limp Bizkit - Break Stuff
Published Thursday, September 15, 2005 by Ankit. 
It's hard to imagine...but I can't sleep! This whole week has sucked...just too much on my mind. Anyways, I figured what better way to utilize this time than update my blog!
Now that I'm finally done with my job, I have less than a week before classes start again. I'm so glad I don't have to work anymore. The last few days of work really sucked cause we were calling really old alumni. Most of them were in their seventies and eighties and didn't even remember anything about being in college. And since we were calling for money they were even grumpier than usual. But it's over now. It feels good to wake up and realize you don't have to go to work today.

So I finally watched the whole Man With No Name Trilogy that I bought on Thanksgiving sale two years ago! I can't believe I put it off that long! What a great movie experience. Ennio Moricone's score is still stuck in my head...especially the Ecstasy of Gold theme from the cemetery scene at the end of the The Good, The Bad & The Ugly. And of course there was Clint Eastwood being the most badass cowboy of all time! While I was watching I realized that you have to be really patient to watch these movies. There were so many scenes where people do nothing but stare at each other for like five minutes straight...and then they'll shoot each other in like two seconds! I can easily see most people get bored and fall asleep during those scenes. But those of you who have never seen a good cowboy movie I highly recommend this trilogy (ahem...Sonal!)
I built my computer, which is called "BIG RED" thanks to Mike. Had to go through a lot of trouble to get the thing to work. Computers can be so strange sometimes. I was trying to install Windows Service Pack 2 and it kept freezing in the middle. I had to uninstall it and reinstall at least five times! The cursor would just stop moving in the middle of the installation. I got so frustrated. Then I decided to try something different. I was just so desparate to get it to work that I was willing to try anything. So I decided to constantly move the mouse until the installation completed successfully. I have no I idea why I thought something so stupid like that would work at that time. I moved the cursor for twenty minutes and behold! It didn't freeze! The installation completed and I restarted and the computer was finally stable!
But then I had trouble with the DVD burner. It started making a weird clicking noise and stopped reading CDs. Luckily I had an old CD burner sitting around so I used that to install other software. I sent the burner back and hopefully I'll get it replaced for a new one. So right now there's no optical storage device in my computer. Today I put the lights in and organized the wires inside to make it look neater. I will post pictures as soon as I install a DVD burner!
Less than a week left before college starts! The excitement has started to kick in. This year is going to be so different with everybody else not living in Harrison. This year is also going to be the toughest as I will be taking my core EE classes. This fall quarter is my hardest quarter yet with 21 credits. It used to be 19 but I got an e-mail saying that I got into a piano class that I was waitlisted for. So I'm pretty excited about that since it's my ONLY fun class this quarter. All my other classes (3 EE classes, 1 History and 1 Geological Science) are just going to be a hell of a lot of work. It's going to be pretty interesting...
Well...I think that's enough for tonight. I'm gonna try going to sleep again. I'm sure eventually my eyes will shut.
Published Monday, September 12, 2005 by Ankit. 
Mujhe maaloom hai ke tum mujhe naa puchogi ke main kaisa hoon?
Kya main khush hoon ya nahi hoon?
Kyon main hairaan hoon?
Kya sahi hoon ya nahi hoon?
Tere maathe ka noor hoon ya main dil se bhi duur hoon?
Kya main jeeta? Kya main haara?
Bana kya tera sahara?
Main wahi hoon ya nahi hoon?
Kya abhi tak main tera hoon?
Phir bhi sirf tumhe hi bataane ko jee chahta hai
Ke philhaal main zinda hoon!
- Euphoria
Published Saturday, September 10, 2005 by Ankit. 
I'm too sleepy to write so I'll let the pictures do the talking...

I'm not religious anymore but Ganesh Chaturthi is still one of my most favorite Indian festivals.

I just love looking at all the beautiful idols in so many different avatars, and the smooth pearl texture with its meticulous paintjob is so fascinating!

This one's my favorite: Ganesh in his School uniform...how cute

In other news...Mumbai got hit with rain once again this season!!! These pictures remind me of the time when me and my family had gone downtown to get our US Visas and it poured like crazy that day. I had water up to my chest and my little brother was pretty much drowning! My dad had to carry him on his shoulders. I will never forget that day. Good ol' memories of Mumbai city...
Published Thursday, September 01, 2005 by Ankit. 
Looks like I missed the deadline for the ISA poem competition, making Namrata's poem a winner by default! Congratulations Nami...I hope you enjoy your burritos! I wouldn't have won anyway...I am no competition against Namrata the queen of poetry. But here's my take at "MY FIRST DAY IN AMERICA"
1997, late Thanksgiving night
He arrived at the city that never sleeps
Finally in the crowd his Dad was in sight
Yet he continued to weep
Happy to see his eldest son
His Dad wiped off his tears
He gave him a jacket and a pair of gloves
And assured that their new home was almost near
Outside the airport the street lights were dim
And the freezing wind cut him in two
He stopped to think about what just happened to him
He felt something entirely new
Sitting in a cab for the very first time
He noticed how the driver was on the left
A few minutes later in a city so sublime
He learned that cab drivers are quite deft!
He finally reached his destination,
his so-called "new" home
Though it looked warm and friendly at first
To him it was a world unkown
Exhausted from his long journey
He fell asleep in a blink
But the jetlag kicked in, finally
So he got up and started to think
Half way around the globe in a whole new country
Wondering what he's going to do
It's barely been an hour in a place so empty
And he already feels lonely and blue
Just two days ago he met all his friends,
Hugging and kissing goodbye
Now he has no one to talk to or call
He simply can't help but cry
Suddenly there was light from the rising sun
Entering his room through the blinds
A feeling of hope rushed through his body
It was time to leave the sad thoughts behind
The morning birds began to sing
Just like the sparrows in India
The pleasant sight marked the beginning
of his first day in America!