Pardon me while I burst

happy halloween

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After getting such wonderful responses, I decided to give some serious thought to this whole halloween costume thing. Obviously me and Adip were too cheap to go buy a nice costume. So we put our creative hats on for this one. Those of you who know me know how much I love bad jokes. I think some of the funniest jokes are the corny ones that require the least amount of meaningful thinking. Our costumes were developed straight from that concept:

I was dressed as E-"male" (get it? E-male? Hence the arrow and the male symbol?? OK...I thought it was funny...)

Adip was a Coldblooded "Cereal" Killer. Everybody loved his costume!

Cereal Killing in action...Special thanks to Namrata for the cool makeup!

the (Halloween) party scene

Hey where'd he come from?

Enjoying the dark beer...

Being friendly with the Mammogram Machine

Cereal Killer with Marylin Monroe

that's hilarious!!

Cereal Killer with a Lady Bug

E-male with the ladybug and a pirate

Line for the bathroom

A green fairy saying "E-maling is cool!"

This line is taking forever...

Beer khatam, paisa hajam. Time to go home!

Made it home safe. I couldn't resist!

And then came the drunk-dialing...

Aren't these (sound) signals loud enough!?

In the comforting presence of Deepa...

Finally sleeping so peacefully

Lesson learned: Don't drink hard liquor over beer.

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