Rukawat Ke Liye Khed Hai
Published Sunday, October 22, 2006 by Ankit | E-mail this post 
I've finally decided to post after a very slow start to the fall quarter. I can go on and on about what a hard time I had in the first few weeks of the quarter when we didn't have gas or internet in the new apartment and how the unfurnished place prevented me from staying organized and motivated, but everything is fine now so there's no point in bitching about all that.
I was gonna post during Navratri but even that is over now. So I'll just put up this
link to acknowledge the recently elapsed festival.
I've only been to one football game so far. Sad, I know. But OSU is just so good this year that the games are extremely boring to watch even on TV. It feels like they can dominate anyone and the other team should not even try. I really hope the last game is exciting.
School is alrite. After working all summer I forgot what it's like to study for classes and do your homework. So I've been learning how to be a good student all over again. I also learned that the closer I get to graduation, the less interest I have in my major. So that always helps when you're in your senior year and you're trying to figure out where your life is going after this.
We're getting posession of our newly built house this week and we'll move in next weekend. It's kinda weird to leave our current house. I didn't think I was attached to this house but now the thought of moving out of it has started to make me feel a bit homesick.
I saw Don today. Nice movie. In fact, I'll audaciously say that it's better than the original as far as the overall execution of the screenplay goes. And the new twist in the ending really made it a whole new film.
I think I'm gonna grow my hair out till I graduate.
What should I be for Halloween this year?
Highlights of the quarter so far:
More to come later...
You're kidding about the hair growing...right?? right??? RIGHT????
No I'm seriously considering it...i'll try to trim it every now and then but i wanna see what it'll look like when it's really really long!
you cant be serious about that...8 months...are u insane?! or are u trying to compete with me?! if u are...lemme tell u one thing...u are never gonna win ankit...
or is it that yo u wanna look more like a girl? in that case, my suggestion would be to start with the eyebrows and the body hair, and that would do the job...short hair in girls is still acceptable in today's society! ;)
That's a very nice pic of your family..
And ya..I agree with all others. Please don't grow your hair extra long! You look fine (actually kinda cute) as is. I can't even imagine what you'd look like with long hair...probably a real artsy person.
you'd fit real nicely in a band...singing with your guitar.
that ankit really makes you swoon, nupur!
You just don't want to pay for a haircut! CHEAPASS!
hehehe, do you like how we, your dear friends, completely ignore the crisis you're having about your future and latch on to your proposed hair growing plan with such passion??
you player, making all these girls swoon over you! tsk tsk tsk.
It's the magic of the hair...wait till it gets longer...u girls will go even more crazy! :P
oh dont fool yourself ankit....the only girls swooning over you are .............well, girls who are not capable of telling good from bad...thus going for you... :p
true enough vidhi!
Hahaha....I like how everyone's being so nice to you, Ankit! Actually, I'd say you shoudl go for it. After all, college is the time to go crazy, right??
woww....ankit and nupur: you guys sound like you are one n the same person......"College is the time to go crazy"
why do people always say this silly "college is the time to go crazy" thing? our lives aren't suddenly going to become devoid of opportunities for craziness and happiness the moment we graduate. stop treating college as a "oh my god, the rest of my life is downhill from here so I'm going to squeeze in as many dumb things as I can into 4 years of my life and I'll pretend that college is a little bubble and my choices now shall have no impact whatsoever on the rest of my life" time. and no, obviously i'm not talking about the consequences of not getting a haircut.
i wish people would stop saying this silly "college is the time to go crazy" thing. our lives aren't suddenly going to become devoid of opportunities for craziness and happiness the moment we graduate. College isn't a "oh my life is going to go downhill from here so I'm going to squeeze as many dumb things as I can into four years and I shall pretend I live in a little bubble and nothing I do now will have consequences on the rest of my life" time. And no, obviously I'm not talking about the consequences of not getting a haircut.
"I'm in college" seriously has to rate as one of the crummiest excuses for immaturity.
i wish people would stop saying this silly "college is the time to go crazy" thing. our lives aren't suddenly going to become devoid of opportunities for craziness and happiness the moment we graduate. College isn't a "oh my life is going to go downhill from here so I'm going to squeeze as many dumb things as I can into four years and I shall pretend I live in a little bubble and nothing I do now will have consequences on the rest of my life" card. And no, obviously I'm not talking about the consequences of not getting a haircut.
"I'm in college" seriously has to rate as one of the crummiest excuses for immaturity.
i wish people would stop saying this silly "college is the time to go crazy" thing. our lives aren't suddenly going to become devoid of opportunities for craziness and happiness the moment we graduate. College isn't a "oh my life is going to go downhill from here so I'm going to squeeze as many dumb things as I can into four years and I shall pretend I live in a little bubble and nothing I do now will have consequences on the rest of my life" card. And no, obviously I'm not talking about the consequences of not getting a haircut.
"I'm in college" seriously has to rate as one of the crummiest excuses for immaturity.
hehe oops!! damn blogger kept requoting me. see, they agree with me too!
Live life like theres no tomorrow...kal ho na ho
thara roomie
of couse that's easy to say when daddy is rich enough to bail you out
harsh, i know, but that's the way i see it
I've graduated, I didnt know my life is going downhill, is that the conclusion of all this...
You can probably go alot crazier even after graduation, only cause, if your working, you have the money to do so... so, I agree with Nami there... Although, you should enjoy every moment as if there's no tomorrow... don't worry about the stupid outcomes of tomorrow, jo hoga so hoga...
Wow, all of you have typed soo much in regards to my line...of going crazy in college...I feel special ;)
Anyways, I guess I wanted to say that you should not be afraid to experiment in college (not exactly go crazy, do stupid things, act immature, or any of that). Because later on in life, there are many other things to worry about and there is less room for experimentation. Life gets pretty rigid (Deepa can attest to that or deny that).
I think all of us are doing that though, experimenting with new things. It's just that are definitions are different.
go get a haircut, and shave too and don't do drugs
do you really think you should be the poster-girl for experimentation, nupur?
yeah, do drugs ankit! look how it has improved my life!
-arv "smokey" chandra
well said sonal....nice n to the point.....i second you on that....
nupur, as for your comment...i agree with u to some the fact that everyone's definitions are different....and not sure if u realized, but the discussion here was no longer for a stupid haircut, it goes beyond that.... to what he defines as "going crazy"...
and adip tune dailogue to maar liya, par oska sahi matlab samjhe bina..."Live life like theres no tomorrow...kal ho na ho"...true...very life such that u dont need a tomorrow to explain or justify things you did such that you are fulfilling your long term goals at each step, so that when on your death bed, you do not blame yourself for wasting time, or doing things that you shouldnt every second the way you want to be remebered by other... that dialogue by no means asks you to go rob a bank today so that u can become a millionair in a night, or go get drugged up jst cuz u arent sure if u'l have tomorrow to experiment it n see if it kills you or not.....
well said, vidhi, i agree totally
i like to eat babies...look at my pictures if you don't believe me
you guys amuse me :)
i will remember this post on my deathbed after becoming an alcoholic/chain smoker/druggie/womanizer with long hair.
New Lesson of Life:
"Live and let live."
philosophical freaks.
so you admit, you'll be on your deathbed soon after doing weed and lsd and etc.
oh yea...i'll be gone the instant i try any of those. but i can pretty much be gone trying anything else that's new too. i can't let that stop me. and who knows...maybe it'll have a positive effect. maybe it'll smarten me up a bit or englighten me or maybe i'll learn the secret to life after having a trip. in our crazy world, we have music-gods like 'the beatles' who used to do drugs and then we have dumbasses like george w. bush who also experimented when he was young. so you just never how things will turn out until you try it!
You're dead to us.
Can you get me some weed and LSD too? All the kids at school do it, but I've been too scared. Now that my positive role model brother has jumped off into the world of illegal drugs, I now know it's the right thing to do.
your little brother,
ps. I sold my bike to buy a bong from the kids at school.
Wow Ankit, your blog is getting more amusing by the day. Congratulations!
For Ankit's little brother, Bunty...Don't copy everything your elders do, or you'll turn out like them. You still gotta use your head! And what is a bong?
And need to stop copying quotes from facebook profiles! Live and let Live...isn't that Radhika's quote?
Vidhi...agree with ya as always :)
Anonymous poster (Namrata). Can't fight against you comment. Some truth in what you say.
Daksha n your comment!
Oh and Vidhi...I did realize that the discussion was no more about the haircut thing.
'anonymous poster!' wasn't me nupur but i see your habit of blaming everything on me hasn't changed since we lived together